Keeping the Tooth Fairy Happy this School Year

It’s the end of August! For families, this is a very exciting time of year as kids prepare to go back to school. Children are excited to see their friends again, meet their teachers, and jump into all sorts of extra-curricular activities. There’s no denying that this is a busy time of year! After-school clubs, sports, and homework tend to keep the little ones busy till bedtime.

Before the kids hit the hay when the day draws to a close, they’ve likely attended dance or soccer practice, eaten dinner, and finished their homework. But there is one last very important step before pajama time. Brushing teeth! When life gets busy, it’s good to ensure that the kiddos don’t forget to keep up their healthy oral habits.

Brushing for two minutes twice a day is paramount to keeping tooth decay at bay. Two minutes of effective brushing will remove plaque buildup and cavity-causing bacteria. A fluoride rinse is another great method to help ensure that your kid’s teeth stay healthy, but the rinse is only effective if the plaque has been removed first by brushing.

While some kids may not always be enthusiastic about brushing their teeth, there are some great tactics to make the practice a little more appealing, and to ensure that they do a thorough job. We recommend that you help brush your kid’s teeth while they’re young in order to establish proper habits and to make sure they’re reaching all areas of their mouth.

With a little creativity, there are some great solutions to keep your kids focused for two minutes of brushing! Kitchen timers often come in fun shapes and are very easy to use. Sonicare also makes a great kid’s toothbrush that shuts off automatically after two minutes.  Another great idea which harnesses kid’s affinity for electronics is YouTube! Do a search for fun two-minute videos designed to keep your kid’s attention and to teach the importance of proper brushing.


Kids may also get more excited about brushing if they are allowed to help pick out their own “dental kit”.  Most children’s toothpaste is packaged with fun cartoon characters and kid-pleasing flavors. (Make sure that you use a children’s toothpaste for kids under the age of six.) Fluoride rinses are available in different colors and flavors, and even toothbrushes are decked out in fun designs.

Here’s to keeping those pearly whites in great shape this school year, and teaching good brushing habits for life!

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