Is it safe to go to the dentist during coronavirus pandemic?

Going to the dentist during coronavirus can be a concerning thought. Verber Family Dentistry has been providing the best dental care to patients in Central Pennsylvania since 1974 and though things may look a little different now compared to your last visit, we want to assure our community that everything we are doing is to keep you safe during your dental during appointment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Arrival & Check-In for your next appointment

From the moment you arrive at our office, you’ll be asked to check-in digitally and at our new reception area where our staff will check your temperature and ask you a brief set of questions to screen you for any COVID-19 related symptoms. You may also remain in your car until you are called to come in for your appointment if you feel that is a safer option for you or your family. 

You’ll also be asked to wear a mask or face covering from the moment you enter our office not only for your safety but for the safety of other patients and our staff. 

In addition to these new check-in procedures, you’ll also be asked to sanitize your hands at our lobby check-in table. 

After you’ve checked in, you’ll be able to go directly to your operatory, allowing you to avoid sitting in a waiting room with a number of other patients or family members.

During your appointment

Once you’re in the chair and ready for your dental appointment, you’ll notice a couple of new things we’ve added to the office including air cleaners in each operatory which use a HEPA filter to clean airborne particles from the environment. These air purifiers turn over the air in our operatories approximately every 5 minutes.

In addition to our air cleaners, you’ll also notice that our staff are all wearing either approved surgical masks or N95 respirators when required. Depending on the procedures being performed, you may also see us wearing face-shields and other protective equipment to reduce the spread of any viruses to you, our other patients and staff.

We have also been implementing a series of sanitizing procedures that are carried out at different times throughout the day including:

  • Wiping down operatory surfaces with sanitizing wipes after each patient
  • Replacing protective barriers on all surfaces that are frequently touched during your procedure
  • Adding protective barrier tape to surfaces that were once not required such as credit card processing machines and other touch-points
  • “Fogging” our operatories and office once a day with a sanitizing solution that completely covers the rooms in our facility with a fine mist which helps to kill off viruses and bacteria
  • Sanitizing the front-desk area on a regular schedule to make the check-out process safe for patients and staff. 

We’re also constantly monitoring the quickly changing guidance we receive from our State Department of Health and recommendations from the CDC, the ADA, and the Pennsylvania Dental Association for the most up-to-the-date information and procedures to keep our community, patients, and our staff safe during this pandemic.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your next dental appointment at Verber Family Dentistry or any of our other offices you can contact us at 717-737-4337 and our team will gladly provide you with comfort and assurance about your visit. 

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