Custom Fabricated 3D Printed Mask Fitters

In our continued efforts to support the community, the Verber Dental Group is donating custom-fabricated “mask fitters” to individuals whose occupation puts them at risk of exposure and who may not have ideal personal protective equipment. The “mask fitters” are made from a 3D scan of the face and then are 3D printed in plastic at Verber Dental Lab and with the support of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology’s Advanced Manufacturing Program.

Custom 3D Printed Surgical Mask Fitters - COVID0-19

The devices can be secured over masks with a rubber band harness that we would supply. They should be wiped down and disinfected when removed.

These “mask fitters” should improve the fit of masks. They are not n95 equivalents, nor are we to able offer any research or guarantees on their effectiveness or safety. But common sense tells us these may increase the efficacy of surgical masks and other non-fitted face coverings.

Attached are some pictures illustrating the “mask fitters”.

3D Printed Surgical Mask Fitters - COVID0-19

At this time we are limited to producing 12 fitters a day and will be working with groups only on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are part of a business or organization within Cumberland County that provides healthcare, eldercare, or other essential services that put you at risk for exposure or exposing others, please let us know if you would like to arrange for a time for your team to be scanned. You can email your request to

You must have a minimum of 6 interested team members. We can accommodate up to 24. We would schedule a time in the next few days to set up a contactless scanning session in your parking lot. We would use our universal precautions and trained dental staff to ensure safety and social distancing. The “mask fitters” would be delivered back to the scanning location in a couple of days.

Also, if you are part of an organization with 3D printing capabilities that can safely assist us with production and have an interest in joining our efforts please email

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